Lowongan Magang 2 Semester Inovasi Daya Solusi (IDS) 2023-1
PT Inovasi Daya Solusi (IDS)
Bagi kamu mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Terapan angkatan 2021 (D3) ada lowongan Magang Fakultas 2 Semester untuk prodi :
1. D3 Sistem Informasi
2. D3 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
3. D3 Manajemen Pemasaran
4. D3 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi
5. D3 Teknologi Komputer
6. D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Multimedia
Benefit Magang :
- Uang saku Rp 1.500.000 – Rp 2.500.000/bulan (tergantung berapa hari kerja)
- Laptop kantor
- Potensi direkrut oleh perusahaan
Posisi yang Dibuka dan Kompetensi yang Dibutuhkan:
Quality Assurance – 1 orang
- Understanding in area Business workflow diagram, system development life cycle, SIT and UAT
- Must be proficient in using automated quality assurance testing tools
- Be able to work independently and with a team
- Basic programming skills including databases.
- Familiarity with programming script languages including Java.
System Analyst – 1 orang
- Currently enrolled in college or university as Information System or Computer Science students
- Experience in designing database and writing software requirement specification
- Experience in capturing requirement and understanding business process
- Up to date with the newest technology.
- Ability to develop a clear and detailed plan in IDS Product
- Able to deal product features with clients & teams
- Able to work multi-task
Full Stack Developer – 1 orang
- Have a basic understanding of relevant software engineering and computer science-related concepts.
- Interested in exploring, learning, and implementing new technologies, programming languages, and concepts.
- Continually grow both professionally and personally through various learning and development opportunities.
Back-End Developer – 1 orang
- Have a basic understanding of relevant software engineering and computer science-related concepts.
- Interested in exploring, learning, and implementing new technologies, programming languages, and concepts.
- Continually grow both professionally and personally through various learning and development opportunities.
Partnership Support – 1 orang
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously and work under pressure.
- Strong organization and project management skills.
- Friendly and personable demeanor.
- Proficient in Microsoft Office and relevant software.
System Administrator – 1 orang
- Memberikan beasiswa berupa uang saku Rp 700.000/bulan
- Memiliki pemahaman cukup baik terhadap sistem operasi komputer (Operating System), khususnya Linux
- Memahami dasar-dasar jaringan komputer (Computer Networking)
- Memiliki pemahaman cukup terhadap platform komputasi awan (Cloud computing)
- Memiliki ketertarikan terhadap dunia keamanan siber (Cyber Security)
- Mampu menuangkan kegiatan riset dan implementasi suatu sistem, menjadi suatu tulisan dokumentasi yang terstruktur
- Sistem kerja hybrid
IT Support – 1 orang
- Have experienced to handle troubleshooting, maintain, and repair hardware and software
- Ability to work in a fast-paced, rapidly changing, and high-growth organization.
- Having basic knowledge about Windows & Server Linux System
- Able to demonstrate good decision making skills.
- Have understanding on WIFI AP Configuration
- Have understanding on VLAN and Setup Network
- Fundaments of network concepts. Familiar with TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, HTTPs, Etc.
- In-depth knowledge of LAN and WAN topology.
Kuota 6 orang, pelaksanaan secara Onsite dengan lokasi penempatan Jakarta Selatan.
Silahkan mendaftar melalui link di bawah dan pilih “Magang Fakultas”
Daftar Magang
Deadline pendaftaran : 23 Mei 2023
Untuk informasi dan pertanyaan lebih lanjut, bisa menghubungi kami di WA Layanan Kerjasama dan Magang +62 851-6141-5115
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