Lowongan Magang 2 Semester PT Inovasi Daya Solusi
Magang Fakultas – PT. Inovasi Daya Solusi (IDS)
Periode Semester Ganjil TA 2022-2023
Dear Student,
Bagi kamu mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Terapan angkatan 2020, dan tertarik untuk mengikuti Program Magang 2 Semester ada peluang untuk dapat mengikuti program ini di PT. Inovasi Daya Solusi (IDS). Lowongan magang yang dibuka dan kebutuhan kompetensi yang harus dikuasai adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Software Engineer: Backend Engineer
- Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field
- You have prior experience as a back-end engineer
- You are experienced with software engineering best practices such as design patterns, code reviews, unit and integration testing etc.
- In-depth understanding of data structures and other computer science fundamentals
- You have good problem-solving skills and attention to detail
- Vast knowledge of Java
2. System Analyst
- Currently enrolled in college or university as Information System or Computer Science students
- Required skill : Java, PHP
- Experience in designing database and writing software requirement specification
- Experience in capturing requirement and understanding business process
- Up to date with the newest technology.
3. Mobile Programmer
- Required skills in Java / PHP, MySQL
- Has good knowledge of Object Oriented Programming
- Good problem solving and algorithms skill is critical
- Good in communicate and work well within a team
4. VOIP Engineer (5 Orang)
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
- Required Skill(s): Candidate must possess bachelor degree in computer science technical informatics or related.
- Preferably less than 1 year experience specialized in (Specilization) or equivalent.
- Have experience working with carriers to resolve issues.
- Have experience troubleshooting from application such as wireshark.
- Have experience with Elastix, Asterisk, Slipwise, Freeswitch, etc.
- Have experience with billing system
5. IT Security Engineer (5 Orang)
- Have a working knowledge of low-level network protocols
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Computer / Telecommunication) or equivalent
- Demonstrate good communication skills
- Have experience with one the following exploitation tools
- Basic knowledge of OWASP Top 10
- Possess an understanding of computer exploitation technologies and techniques
- Have experience conducting penetration tests
- Able to map security requirements to the test environment and vice versa
- Strong experience with documenting test environments
6. IT Infrastructure ( 5 Orang)
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering or Information Technology or related field preferred
- Able to configure and optimize monitoring systems for all network devices and services
- Windows / Linux server administration experience is required
- Rich experience in providing and operating enterprise service such as Active Directory, VPN, Wireless network, NAS, etc
- Solid experience of configuring and operating VMware and HyperV products
- Initiative, enthusiasm and willingness to learn in a fluid and fast-paced environment
- Has passion for technology and wants to make a difference with technology solutions
Pelaksanaan magang secara hybrid, dengan penempatan kerja di Jakarta Selatan atau Jakarta Barat D3 Sistem Informasi, D3 Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, D3 Teknologi Komputer, D3 Teknik Informatika, S1 Terapan Teknologi Rekayasa Multimedia silahkan mendaftar melalui link di bawah dan pilih “Magang Fakultas”
Daftar Magang
Deadline pendaftaran : 12 Juni 2022
Benefit program magang 2 semester :
– Ekivalensi SKS semester berjalan (tidak perlu mengikuti perkuliahan)
– Potensi diserap langsung oleh perusahaan
– Uang saku/insentif
– Support Laptop/PC Kantor
– Hanya mengerjakan 1 laporan
Untuk informasi dan pertanyaan lebih lanjut, bisa menghubungi kami di WA Layanan Kerjasama dan Magang +62 851-6141-5115
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