Lowongan Magang 1 Semester PT Datacakra Solusi Jaganata 2023-2
PT Datacakra Solusi Jaganata
Bagi kamu mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Terapan angkatan 2021 (D3) dan angkatan 2020 (D4) ada lowongan Magang Fakultas 1 Semester untuk prodi :
1. D3 Teknologi Telekomunikasi
2. D3 Teknologi Komputer
3. D3 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi
4. D3 Sistem Informasi
5. D3 Manajemen Pemasaran
6. D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Multimedia
Benefit Magang :
- Uang saku kisaran ± Rp 1.200.000 – Rp 2.500.000
Posisi yang Dibuka dan Requirement :
Product Manager – 3 orang
- Understand the life cycle management
- Having knowledge in product development and market research from similiar indutry
- Ability to design proposal
- Final Year Student
Technical Writer – 3 orang
- Solid understanding in Microsoft Office
- Familiar with the SDLC and software development
- Familiar with software documentation
- familiar with UML design
- Capable of working individually as well as in team
- Final Year Student
Marketing Supports – 3 orang
- Solid understanding in business process
- Solid understanding in engineering process
- Have passionate about IT line business
- Capability in written and verbal communication with clients
- Capable of working individually as well as in team
- Final Year Student
Quality Assurance – 3 orang
- Solid understanding in business process
- Solid understanding in engineering process
- Obssessive in details and perfections
- Capabilit in independet thinking with ambiguous specs
- Capability in using testing tools and documentation tools
- Capability in written and verbal communciation with clients
- Capable of working individually as weel as in team
- Final Year Student
Business Analyst – 3 orang
- Solid understanding in business process
- Solid understanding in engineering process
- Obssessive in details and perfections
- Capability in using testing tools and documentation tools
- Capability in written and verbal communication with clients
- Capable of working individually as well as in team
- Final Year Student
Front End Engineer – 5 orang
- Understanding in Software engineering practices
- Understanding in ReactJS, Redux, HTML/CSS
- Capable of working individually as well as in team
- Final Year Student
Back End Engineer – 5 orang
- Understanding in software engineering practices
- Understanding in Node JS, Nest JS, PostgreSQL
- Capable of working individually as well as in team
- Final Year Student
Hardware Engineer – 5 orang
- Experienced in sensor interfacing for Arduino/Raspberry Pi
- Solid understanding in C++ Programming
- Understand data communication via SocketIO, MQTT, TCP, RTSP, and WebSocket
- Capable of working individually as well as in team
- Final Year Student
- Willing to be located in Bandung
Kuota 30 orang, pelaksanaan secara Online dengan lokasi penempatan Bandung dan Jakarta.
Silahkan mendaftar melalui link di bawah dan pilih “Magang Fakultas”
Daftar Magang
Deadline pendaftaran : 14 Januari 2024
Untuk informasi dan pertanyaan lebih lanjut, bisa menghubungi kami di WA Layanan Kerjasama dan Magang +62 851-6141-5115
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